3 October 2016

"Baby Blueberry" Baby Shower in Adelaide

The minute I told my friend Brooke that I would be visiting Adelaide in September, she declared, "We HAVE to have a baby shower while you're here!!!"

I didn't object :D

We got Amy on board and began planning! Between emails, Facebook messages, more emails, and Google Drive folders, we managed to arrange it all between us - and I had such fun!

FUN FACT: This little doll is approximately the size of what my baby would have been at the time of the baby shower, at 25 weeks pregnant!

Brooke is truly amazing! She single-handedly took care of all of the decorations AND games AS WELL AS cooked food, prepared tea and coffee, cleaned her house; set up everything, got her husband to set up the outdoor area (thanks, Daniel!), all while doing her normal life stuff! Brookie, I can't express how special this baby shower was for me. I know it was done with so much love and I am so grateful.

We went with a little bit of a blueberry theme. This is because when Andre and I found out I was pregnant, apparently the baby was about the size of a blueberry - so we called our baby "Baby Blueberry" for the first half of her little life, until we found out we were having a girl.

Without further ado, here are pictures from the baby shower. I hope you appreciate the gorgeousness of them as I do!

Baby Shower Cake: blueberry cheesecake!
Coffee and chocolate for everyone to take home and enjoy... yum!

Manicure set prizes a la Brooke
Cookies-in-a-jar prizes a la Amy & Rachel

Blueberry meringues a la Brooke
Cutest little blueberry elephant EVER!!!
Rubber duckies!
We had to use the occasion to bring out the gorgeous old teacups!
Baby shower punch

Notice the garland behind the punch bowl? Isn't Brooke a genius?!
With my sis :)
Auntie-to-be, Mummy-to-be, and Grandma-to-be
Delicious food, prepared with love
We asked people to bring a baby book instead of a card. I love the collection already!
These two girls are two of the best friends I could ever wish for.

It was a beautiful time of catching up with friends and celebrating Andre and my little girl. Thank you to everyone who came for making it such a lovely afternoon!

And the hugest thanks to Brooke and Amy for this gift :)


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