14 April 2012

Teamwork + Fun = Group Activity [YWAM DTS Week 4]


Every Tuesday we have Group Activity after lunch - from 2pm until 3 / 3:30pm. One day we drove up to Mount Ainsley and just relaxed there. A couple of weeks ago, Tim organized some "team-building games" for us. For something that looked like it would be a bit slow and not-so-interesting, it turned into a fun afternoon, full of laughs and hilarious moments!
Here are the pictures, to let you walk through the afternoon with us :-)

Tim and Toma: the first team to attempt the first activity. Not hugely successful =P
Jamie and I, on the other hand...

...made it...

...look easy!!!

Pros!! =D

By the end we did rush a little, just to save ourselves... But we did it!

Now for blind-folds. Toma, as you can see, was doing a wonderful job of leading and supporting poor Tim...

We forced Toma out of his chair so that he could lead Tim more effectively =P

"Tim, how will having your arms out in front of you be helpful??"

Toma's turn!

HAHA!!!! Love that Tim is explaining to Toma how far he needs to move, using hand signals...

He made it!!

My turn =D

None of the fear that I was feeling inside is shown on my face here. Turns out, I can trust Jamie =P

Everyone was telling me where to go - my job was to listen ONLY to Jamie, and ignore the others. Do you know how hard that is?! HARD!

SO many laughs!!! Often laughing so much that I couldn't hear her directions...


Now, to lead Jamie!

She made VERY.slow.progress. down the decking...

...FINALLY making it to the stairs! Now that was funny =P

Is she telling me to be quiet?!

Ever-so-carefully stepping over the sliding-door-frame

Esther =D

I love that Esther also put her arms out in front of her :-)

Janet very thoroughly leading Esther

Jamie annoying poor Esther...

hehehe - Esther thinking there was another step to go up =P GOLD!

Finally - Janet's turn!

I got to lead her, as well

Hitting out at Tim, who was trying to get in her way... 
Tim, dashing in and out to make Janet think she was tripping on something. You can see that I was really watching out for my poor team-mate... *cough, cough*

Go away, Tim!!!
This was a really fun, light-hearted afternoon :-) I for one appreciated the time to just relax, be silly, laugh, and hang out with these guys out of the classroom :-)

The brick building is part of the main building of the base; the white building is the "gym"; and the houses along the side that you saw the in the above pictures are flats where a few families live.


1 comment:

Mum said...

They are cool photos - and looks like you all had fun :) Also good to see some more of the Base.