30 April 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Mother's Day 2010 is coming up... In just 11 more sleeps (for those of you who had lost count :P)!

This year it is on May the 9th - and, as always, on a Sunday.

At church, our worship leader / music roster simply said "Youth" in the "Leader" column, so guess who got dobbed into lead on Mother's Day???

Yours truly, of course!

Okay, I shouldn't say it like that. But it IS pretty true! I knew it would fall to me, so I asked my dear friend Kim if she would like to make the worship leader role a joint effort on our part... So it's settled: Kim and I are leading this Mother's Day.

I lead 2009's Mother's Day service, and that was my first time leading ever. Let's just say I'm a little bit more experienced now - I don't think I'm very good or anything like that, you understand; I'm just more used to it :) Actually, thinking back, I was only nervous at music practice rather than on the morning of the actual service. Weird, huh?!

Since then, I have lead Father's Day 2009 and Easter Sunday (Sunrise Service) 2010, plus what feels like a fair few Youth Services. I really quite enjoy it, although I don't really feel very adequate in a lot of different areas :(

So. My whole point of telling you that Mother's Day is coming up, was origionally to ask for ideas of what we could possibly incorporate into the service. Different gift ideas for all of the women at church; songs; activities; ways to bring children into the service - anything! I hope you can leave a helpful comment ;)

Aside from all of that... I am realizing more and more just how much my Mum means to me. How amazing, hard-working, prayerful and caring she is. It's something you can't really put into words, but she is SO appreciated, and I love her very much.


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