13 February 2012

To be Thankful

Have you ever wondered what it means to be thankful?
Not just to say "thank you", but to feel that gratefulness from the bottom of your heart?
I have.
It is an amazing feeling that literally brings a smile to my face! :-) Because I can't help but smile when I take notice of the things around me that are true blessings. The small things, the big things; the unseen, and the seen. The things that I see every day, and the things that are once-in-a-lifetime treasures.
I have realized just how much thankfulness changes my heart, my attitude, my very life - and I want to share that with you.
I will be joining Ann and many, MANY other bloggers at A Holy Experience, and count One Thousand Gifts. I haven't even read Ann's book - but in my own life I know the joy of counting my blessings, and I want to share them with you. Linking up provides me with accountability as well - bonus!
So here begins my journey of counting, One Thousand Gifts and beyond!!! Join me, will you? I can't wait to see what God is going to reveal to me as I look for His blessings every day!

  1. Waking up early and spending 1 hour with Jesus
  2. My brother's tired, contented grin when he gets home from tennis training
  3. Home-made stir-fry
  4. Watching a movie in my second language. Portuguese
  5. Driving with the window down
  6. Reading in the dentist waiting room
  7. My little hometown
  8. My brothers, sister and Mum having devotion before school
  9. Microwaving oats for breakfast, and enjoying them - even when they have no flavour
  10. Grace to withstand temptation
  11. Talking with my man on the phone, parked on the side of the road
  12. The future
  13. 2 and 1/2 hour talks with one of my best friends
  14. Glimpses into what God is doing in my heart
  15. My laptop... Even though it needs a service!
  16. Birthdays
  17. Walking through forests
  18. Cute 3-year-old boys
  19. Simple chicken and salad meal after a day of party-food
  20. Accountability
  21. D&Ms anytime, anywhere
  22. Exciting news from my best friend!!!
  23. Waking up at 6am, ready for Portuguese class
  24. Language-learning
  25. Bright green nail-polish
  26. Wearing frangipanis in my hair
  27. The HUGE smile on my friend's face when she saw her birthday present
  28. Learning some gymnastics from my sister and her friend
  29. Accomplishing the gymnastic move!
  30. Walking in the sunshine
  31. 30-minute lunch breaks
  32. Green mint tea
  33. Running to the Rec Centre - 24 minutes
  34. Spending time in the kitchen with my sister
  35. Sitting with my best friend and her husband. Special, special people
  36. My massive friend saying "Boa noite, minha bonita amigo!"
  37. Turning off the scratchy CD and winding the windows down instead
  38. The bridal [throwaway] boquet from many years ago, passed down from a friend
  39. A window at my desk at work
  40. My own bedroom
  41. Music
  42. Card-games
  43. Memories
  44. Gardening for the first time in years
  45. My family laughing together
  46. Dinner out with my brother and my grandparents
  47. A man who takes care of me
  48. Revelations - things from years ago finally making sense
  49. Sharing joys with friends
  50. Giving gifts
  51. Receiving random text messages
  52. Knowing that my every need is being taken care of
  53. Booking flights!!!
  54. Worshipping with my church family
What are two things you are thankful for today?


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